Category: Reviews
Review: Umbertouched
Umbertouched by Livia Blackburne When last we saw the healer Zivah and the warrior Dineas, they were on a mission against the Empire. All of their collective efforts were wrapped up in finding out the purpose and strategy of the impending war, and what […]
Review: Lying In Wait
Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent Deliciously demented. Cleverly cruel. Satisfying and sadistic. These things may not make up the most ideal everyday scenario – but for me, they make the best types of thrillers. You know, those books that you simply have to […]
Review: Something In The Water
Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman Let’s talk bookclubs. In the past few years, they have become all the rage in a multitude of communities. Whether it’s an excuse to get out of the house once a month and leave the kids and […]
Double Review: Seasons of Littleton
Christmas at Edgewood Park & Christmas at Cartwright Manor a pair of novellas, by Shaela Kay Happy New Year, my loyal readers and bookish enthusiasts! I hope you’ve all had wonderful and memorable holidays with the loved ones you have chosen to spend your […]
Review: My Awfully Wedded Husband
My Awfully Wedded Husband by Minerva Stewart Of all the ties that work to bind humanity together, the threads that weave sisterhood are among the most complex and beautiful. The tapestry that can be drawn amongst the bonds between women carry with them a […]
Review: Picture Us In The Light
Picture Us In the Light by Kelly Loy Gilbert Life in the Cheng household has always been quiet. Danny has grown up much of his life in an affluent part of California, watching his parents work hard at their jobs to create an existence […]
Review: All We Ever Wanted
All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin I had a love affair with Emily Giffin’s books a while back. Maybe ten years ago or so, I curled up and read Something Borrowed and immediately followed it up with Something Blue – all in […]
Review: Factor Man
Factor Man by Matt Ginsberg As an established book reviewer, I receive a lot of what are known in the industry as ARCS. These are advanced reader copies, essentially novels that are on their way to being produced for the masses and are soft-launching […]
Review: Jar of Hearts
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier Georgina Shaw was sixteen years old when her best friend disappeared. Her name was Angela Wong and she was the prettiest and most popular girl in school. Captain of the cheerleaders. Ruler of the Cool Kid’s table in […]
Review: Be Careful What You Joust For
Be Careful What You Joust For by Ryan Hauge & Ivy Smoak Pentavia is a medieval world full of calculated espionage, treacherous alliances, and respect for the Old Gods and customs. Ever aware of the precarious beauty of their own slice of the land, the […]