Category: Thriller
Review: Need to Know
Need to Know by Karen Cleveland When Vivian Miller woke up that morning, the sun dawned a day just like the ones before it. As always, she woke up from her slumber immediately wracked by the perpetual mom-guilt that clung to her like humidity […]
Recommendation: Murder on the Orient Express
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie There are few authors who have been elevated to the level of “master” of their craft. A select few have been able to write novels and short stories that are famously timeless, reaching new readers across […]
Review: The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen Vanessa and Nellie are two women who share the same man. Or are they? Vanessa, the first wife. Shrunken to nearly half her size due to stress and emotional pain, she can barely make it […]
Recommendation: The Perfect Stranger
The Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda Running from a sketchy past as a journalist in the crisp confines of Boston, Leah Stevens is searching for a fresh start. Things turned ugly when she went too far on a story concerning suicides at the local […]
Recommendation – The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins There are books in every library that are bought or brought home simply because they are “that book everyone is talking about.” The Girl on the Train was one of those books for me; I’d never heard of […]
Review: When The Serpent Bites
When the Serpent Bites by Nesly Clerge Fredrick Starks has fallen from grace. The descent was just as messy as it was cruel, and he’s got all the time in the world to contemplate his mistakes, now that he’s been shut away from the […]