Category: Series
Review: Mistress of All Evil : A Tale of the Dark Fairy
Mistress of All Evil : A Tale of the Dark Fairy by Serena Valentino ” Whatever her origins, she belonged to the crows. “ Everyone knows the stories that belong to the princesses. They are tales as old as time, told of beautiful girls […]
Review: The West Woods
The West Woods by Suzy Vadori A legacy family full of secrets, a mysterious fountain set in dense woods, and a prestigious preparatory school make up the bones of The West Woods, the new novel by Canadian author Suzy Vadori. A prequel to the Prix […]
Recommendation: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson With autumn creeping into the periphery and bringing its cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes, I am personally looking forward to all the reading I’ll get done once October hits. The fall season brings lots […]
Review: The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding (A Fiendish Arrangement)
The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding (A Fiendish Arrangement) by Alexandra Bracken Prosperity Redding was not only cursed with a terrible name, he was unfortunately dubbed the black sheep of the family almost from birth. Steadily standing in the shadow of his vivacious twin sister Prue, […]
Recommendation: Little Women
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott “Once upon a time, there were four girls, who had enough to eat and drink and wear, a good many comforts and pleasures, kind friends and parents who loved them dearly, and yet they were not contented. “ Hearing […]
Recommendation: Girl Online
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg ” And maybe one day, when we realize that we all feel the same, we can all stop pretending we’re something we’re not. “ ** This particular blog post is being hosted by my 14-year old daughter. Any and all […]
Recommendation: A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin The fandom surrounding A Game of Thrones is the stuff that legends are made of. Millions of people around the world have turned their heads towards Westeros and its game of betrayal, deviant and taboo behavior, […]
Review: Shimmer and Burn
Shimmer and Burn by Mary Taranta This is the story of two kings: one has taken to hiding among the shadows of a plague-ridden city while the other rules over his land with an iron fist, desperate to hold on to his stolen magic. In […]
Recommendation: The Baby-sitters Club
The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novel by Raina Telgemeier original series by Ann M. Martin The fact that I am recommending this series makes me smile — right from the inside out. As a child, books defined my days. They were an escape from a reality […]
Recommendation: The Princess, The Scoundrel, And The Farm Boy
The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy by Alexandra Bracken If your son is anything like mine, it is almost impossible to get him to read outside of his allotted “required reading” for school. The summer has always been a struggle for me as […]